Zambia Reports spying on Dr. Rajan Mahtani

Zambia Reports has crossed every single limit in the past few years. They have not only tried to defame Dr. Rajan Mahtani, but have also fabricated original documents with a view produce an evidence which convicts Dr. Mahtani as a criminal. Since the news portal is heavily funded by the Ventriglia family (Italian Mafia), they leave no opportunities to make a story of every incident which takes place in day to day life of the Finance Bank Chairman.


Recently, an officer, Mr. Kataka from the Zambia Police Headquarters visited the office Dr. Rajan Mahtani to call him for an interview at the police headquarter. However, Dr. Mahtani was abroad and the personnel asked the police officer to leave his phone number so that he can be contacted later.


The incident took place on May 14, 2015 and on the same day Zambia Reports published this news within minutes under the title ‘Mahtani Flees Zambia After Call from Police’. Though Dr. Rajan Mahtani immediately called up Mr. Kataka as soon as he was made aware of the news and promised him to visit the police headquarters as soon as he reaches Zambia.


The whole incident was kept confidential and the only parties who were involved in this conversation were Dr. Rajan Mahtani and Mr. Kataka. So, the question which remains unanswered is whether Zambia Reports spying on Dr. Rajan Mahtani? Are the calls of Dr. Rajan Mahtani being tapped by the spies of Zambia Reports?


Here is a document which will reveal the truth of this incident:


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