Dr. Mahtani and Finance Bank gets connected in a defamatory attempt

Time and over again Zambia Reports has proved that they are nothing less than a pain for the society. Dr. Mahtani and Finance Bank have parted ways, yet the channel continues to keep them together in the headlines. This is mainly done because with one single publication they are able to taunt Dr. Rajan Mahtani as well as the Finance Bank Zambia. But what they need to recall is that the entities are no longer united.

Dr Rajan Lekhraj Mahtani

The news of merger between BancABC and Finance Bank is now known to the whole world. The merger took place a few months and since then, there is no banking institution under Dr. Rajan Mahtani. Nevertheless, they have managed to take a leaf out of their master trick booklets and then issued an article considering the case of Simataa Simataa. This time around they have convicted Dr. Mahtani and Finance bank of extorting money from people after having them sign clauses. According to Zambia Reports, Simataa is a financial expert and has been in the industry for a long period of time. However, they have forgot to recall that Simataa is nothing more than a self-proclaimed genius who has a big mouth. On the other hand, if our information is correct, Simataa has failed to secure employment elsewhere after being removed from Finance Bank Zambia in the last decade. Wouldn’t a talented man get an opportunity to work in some other place if his knowledge was good as an expert?

Life in Zambia has become miserable for people who wish to live a common life based on the principle of morality and truth. The moment anyone raises his voice, the person quickly makes it to the list of the conspirators and then begins a series of upsetting news against the innocent person. An exclusive example is Dr. Rajan Mahtani.

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